How to setup AKS cluster and hook it up to Azure Arc

A summary of this setup can be found here

Create a new cluster and connect to it

Start a cluster from the UI in Azure, make sure to create a node cluster with the following minimal specs

  • 3 nodes

  • 4 VCPU’s per node

  • 16GB RAM per node

Once you have a cluster running

  • Go to the cluster and login to the shell

  • Install the following providers

    • az aks get-credentials –resource-group “resource-group” –name “cluster-name”

    • az provider register -n Microsoft.Kubernetes

    • az provider register -n Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration

    • az provider register –namespace Microsoft.Kubernetes

    • az provider register –namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration

    • az provider register –namespace Microsoft.ExtendedLocation

    • az config set extension.use_dynamic_install=yes_without_prompt

  • Connect the cluster

    • az connectedk8s connect –name “cluster-name” –resource-group “resource-group” –location EastUS

Once the cluster is conected, you can move on to install the data controller and app services extensions with a new location

See file