Application Change Analysis

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: May 9, 2023

  • Next Modified Date: May 9, 2024

A. Introduction

Application Change Analysis is a free service that has no performance overhead on resources. View change analysis Change analysis is available from the Performance or Map tab of VM insights by selecting the Change option. Select Investigate Changes to open the Application Change Analysis page filtered for the VM.

Change Analysis provides a centralized view of the changes in your subscriptions for up to the past 14 days to provide the history of changes for troubleshooting issues. To track an outage, we will: Clone, create, and deploy a sample web application with a storage account.

B. How is it used at Seagen

As a biopharma research company using Microsoft Azure, you can use Azure Change Analysis to analyze changes made to your Azure resources and identify potential issues. Here are some ways you can use Azure Change Analysis:

  1. Identify changes made to your Azure resources: Azure Change Analysis allows you to track changes made to your Azure resources over time. This helps you to identify when changes were made, who made them, and what changes were made.

  2. Analyze changes for potential issues: Azure Change Analysis provides insights into changes made to your Azure resources and highlights potential issues. For example, if a configuration change was made that could impact the security of your resources, Change Analysis will flag this as a potential issue.

  3. Monitor resource compliance: Azure Change Analysis allows you to monitor your Azure resources for compliance with policies and regulations. You can create custom policies and rules to ensure that your resources are compliant with your organization’s standards.

  4. View change history and audit trails: Azure Change Analysis provides a complete change history and audit trail for your Azure resources. This helps you to understand how your resources have changed over time and who made the changes.

  5. Integrate with other Azure services: Azure Change Analysis can be integrated with other Azure services such as Azure Security Center and Azure Monitor. This allows you to easily monitor and manage your Azure resources from a single dashboard.

Overall, Azure Change Analysis can help your biopharma research company monitor and manage changes made to your Azure resources, identify potential issues, and ensure compliance with policies and regulations. With built-in insights and audit trails, Azure Change Analysis can help you improve your overall security posture and increase your visibility into your Azure resources.

You can access Change Analysis through a couple of entry points: Monitor home page From the Azure portal home page, select Monitor from the menu. In the Monitor overview page, select the Change Analysis card. Search In the Azure portal, search for Change Analysis to launch the experience.

C. Features

Azure Application Change Analysis is a feature provided by Azure Monitor that allows you to analyze changes made to your Azure resources and applications. Here are some of the key features of Azure Application Change Analysis:

  1. Resource change tracking: Azure Application Change Analysis can track changes made to your Azure resources, including virtual machines, storage accounts, and databases. This can help you understand the impact of changes made to your resources and troubleshoot issues that arise.

  2. Application change tracking: Azure Application Change Analysis can track changes made to your applications, including updates to application code, configuration changes, and changes to dependencies. This can help you understand the impact of changes made to your applications and identify potential issues.

  3. Change comparison: Azure Application Change Analysis allows you to compare changes made to your resources or applications over time. This can help you identify trends and patterns in your change history and understand the impact of changes made to your environment.

  4. Change notifications: Azure Application Change Analysis can send notifications when changes are made to your resources or applications. This can help you stay informed of changes and take action if necessary.

  5. Integration with Azure Policy: Azure Application Change Analysis can integrate with Azure Policy to help you enforce compliance policies and prevent unauthorized changes to your environment.

  6. Integration with other Azure Monitor features: Azure Application Change Analysis can integrate with other Azure Monitor features, such as Azure Log Analytics and Azure Metrics, to provide a comprehensive view of your environment and help you troubleshoot issues.

Overall, Azure Application Change Analysis provides a powerful set of features that can help you understand the impact of changes made to your Azure resources and applications. By using these features, you can improve the reliability and security of your environment and ensure that your applications are running smoothly.

D. Where implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Azure Application Change Analysis involves ensuring that the feature is functioning correctly and meeting the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project. Here are some steps to follow to test Azure Application Change Analysis:

  1. Define the scope and requirements: Define the scope of the project and the requirements of all stakeholders involved in the project. This will help ensure that Azure Application Change Analysis is designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

  2. Create test plans: Develop test plans that cover all aspects of Azure Application Change Analysis functionality, including resource change tracking, application change tracking, change comparison, change notifications, and integration with Azure Policy. The test plans should be designed to meet the needs of the organization, including scalability and resilience.

  3. Conduct unit testing: Test the individual features and modules of Azure Application Change Analysis to ensure that they are functioning correctly. This may involve using tools like PowerShell or Azure CLI for automated testing.

  4. Conduct integration testing: Test Azure Application Change Analysis in an integrated environment to ensure that it works correctly with other systems and applications. This may involve testing Azure Application Change Analysis with different operating systems, browsers, and devices.

  5. Conduct user acceptance testing: Test Azure Application Change Analysis with end-users to ensure that it meets their needs and is easy to use. This may involve conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather feedback from users.

  6. Automate testing: Automate testing of Azure Application Change Analysis to ensure that it is functioning correctly and meeting the needs of all stakeholders. This may involve using tools like Azure DevOps to set up automated testing pipelines.

  7. Monitor performance: Monitor the performance of Azure Application Change Analysis in production to ensure that it is meeting the needs of all stakeholders. This may involve setting up monitoring tools, such as Azure Application Insights, to track usage and identify performance issues.

  8. Address issues: Address any issues that are identified during testing and make necessary changes to ensure that Azure Application Change Analysis is functioning correctly and meeting the needs of all stakeholders.

By following these steps, you can ensure that Azure Application Change Analysis is tested thoroughly and meets the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project. This can help improve the quality of Azure Application Change Analysis and ensure that it functions correctly in a production environment.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

There are several known issues that can impact Azure Application Change Analysis. Here are some of the most common issues to be aware of:

  1. Delayed change notifications: Sometimes, there can be a delay in receiving notifications for changes made to Azure resources or applications. This can cause issues with troubleshooting and identifying potential issues.

  2. Incorrect change tracking: Azure Application Change Analysis may not always track changes correctly, especially if there are multiple changes made in a short period of time. This can cause issues with understanding the impact of changes made to your environment.

  3. Limited tracking for some Azure resources: Azure Application Change Analysis may not be able to track changes made to some Azure resources, especially those that are not fully supported by Azure Monitor. This can limit the visibility into your change history.

  4. Configuration issues: Configuration issues can arise when the settings for Azure Application Change Analysis are not properly configured. This can cause issues with tracking changes or receiving notifications for changes.

  5. Integration issues: Integration issues can arise when integrating Azure Application Change Analysis with other systems and applications. It is important to ensure that Azure Application Change Analysis is designed to work seamlessly with other systems and applications to avoid integration issues.

Overall, Azure Application Change Analysis requires careful planning and management to ensure that it is functioning correctly and meeting the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project. By being aware of these known issues and taking steps to address them, you can improve the quality of Azure Application Change Analysis and ensure the success of your project.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

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