Name of Resource

  • detailed description of what the service is

  • intended for at Seagen

  • common configurations or considerations for anyone using the service

Use Cases

  • detail out as many use cases as you can

Process for Use

  • document the process for using the service

  • how it works

  • variables or ways we can reconfigure it if possible

Standards and Practices

  • detail any new standards or practices

2023 Plan

  • list the improvements or changes to the service planned for 2023

2024 Plan

  • list the improvements or changes to the service planned for 2024

Release Notes

  • detail any release notes. When the service is updated, these should also be updated

  • use the following example. Note version number, when by Quarter, brief description

e.g. 1.0 - Q1 2023 - Includes common framework and Terraform automation. Also includes Cognitive Services.