September 3, 2021

Project Goals

The goal we have been reaching for is the establishment of the right tooling, resources, and processes we need to implement.

The following has been accomplished to that end.

  • Created a backlog in Azure DevOps

  • Identified internal FTEs

  • Created Sprint 0 and Sprint 1 features and stories

    • Sprint 0 will run through September

    • Sprints 0-2 will be coached by Agile coaches

  • 90% complete with the purchase of the tools we need

  • Deciding contract vendors week of 9/6

  • Created value measures and are working on metrics

  • Have created strategic partnerships with Microsoft teams

  • Working on strategic partnerships with Google teams

  • Have assigned business value types to each feature and story

  • Have created strategies needed to support cloud, DevOps and automation

    • Test Strategy

    • Incorporated Engineering Strategy

    • Incorporated draft Data Strategy

    • Incorporated networking strategy

    • 50% on regulatory compliance strategy

SLO and SLAs

Our Service Level Objectives are simple. They are;

  • Design, create, automate, and deliver each cloud service used in Seagen

  • Govern the creation, configuration, use of cloud services

  • Automate identity creation and management in the cloud

  • Secure existing resources and code

  • Provide metrics, monitoring, logging, telemetry for every cloud service

  • Automate discovery and documentation of cloud services and automation

The current Service Level Agreements are defined below. They will be enhanced as we progress through the program.

  • Run team in 2 week sprints

  • Deliver at least 1 demo to stakeholder per sprint

  • Deliver at least 1 monitoring dashboard for services created per sprint

  • Deliver at least 1 automated test per sprint

  • Deliver the sprint goals per sprint

  • Deliver the sprint design per sprint

  • Update the DevOps PowerBI Dashboard each day

  • Update the GitHub PowerBi Dashboard each day

  • Maintain a progressive burn down

  • Maintain a progressive burn up

  • Maintain status on stories related to business value

  • Maintain status on stories related to business classification

  • Maintain status on stories related to operational effectiveness


We have several metrics we are working on. For Sprints 0 and 1, we have the following metrics defined.

  • Deliver a web app service through automation 20% faster than current

  • Deliver a container service through automation 20% faster than current

  • Set policies on Azure through automation blueprints (not done today)

  • Create automated baseline test on web app using 100 users and running for 20 minutes

  • Scan 4 repositories for code vulnerabilities

  • Monitor 10 cloud services in Azure and 5 in Google