Google Hybrid Connectivity

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: 12 June 2023

  • Next Modified Date: 12 June 2024

A. Introduction

Google’s connectivity solutions enable you to connect your networks to Google in the following ways:

  • To Google Cloud, which enables you to access your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks and Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances from your on-premises networks or from another cloud provider.

  • To connect your sites together through a Network Connectivity Center hub located in Google Cloud.

  • To Google Workspace and supported Google APIs, which lets you access only these products and services.

  • To CDN providers, which enables you to choose supported content delivery providers that establish Direct Peering links with Google’s edge network. Choosing a provider enables you to send traffic from your VPC networks to that provider.

B. How is it used at Seagen

Google Hybrid Connectivity provides several options for connecting on-premises networks with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in a secure and reliable way. Here are some ways Seagen can use Google Hybrid Connectivity to connect their Microsoft Azure environment with GCP:

  1. Dedicated Interconnect: Seagen can use Google Dedicated Interconnect to establish a dedicated and private network connection between their on-premises environment and their GCP VPC network. This connection provides a secure and reliable option for transferring large volumes of data between the two environments.

  2. VPN connectivity: Seagen can use Google Cloud VPN to connect their on-premises environment to their GCP VPC network over the public internet. This provides a secure and cost-effective option for connecting the two environments.

  3. Cloud Router: Seagen can use Google Cloud Router to dynamically exchange routes between their on-premises environment and their GCP VPC network. This enables their on-premises network to access their GCP resources as if they were part of the same network.

  4. Traffic Director: Seagen can use Google Traffic Director to route traffic between their on-premises environment and their GCP resources. This provides a highly available and scalable option for managing network traffic.

Overall, by using Google Hybrid Connectivity, Seagen can securely and reliably connect their Microsoft Azure environment with GCP. This enables them to take advantage of the powerful networking services provided by GCP while still maintaining their existing on-premises environment.

C. Features

Google Hybrid Connectivity is a suite of services provided by Google Cloud Platform that enables users to connect their on-premises networks with the cloud securely and reliably. The following are some of the key features of Google Hybrid Connectivity:

  1. Dedicated Interconnect: Google Dedicated Interconnect provides a dedicated, private, and high-speed connection between the user’s on-premises environment and the GCP network. This connection is ideal for large data transfers, real-time applications, and sensitive workloads.

  2. VPN connectivity: Google Cloud VPN provides a secure and encrypted connection between the user’s on-premises environment and the GCP network over the public internet. This connection is ideal for low-bandwidth workloads that do not require a dedicated connection.

  3. Cloud Router: Google Cloud Router enables dynamic routing between the user’s on-premises environment and the GCP network. This feature allows the user’s on-premises network to communicate with GCP resources as if they are part of the same network.

  4. Traffic Director: Google Traffic Director is a highly available and scalable traffic management solution that enables the user to route traffic between their on-premises environment and GCP resources.

  5. Partner Interconnect: Google Partner Interconnect enables the user to connect their on-premises environment to GCP through a supported service provider. This connection is ideal for customers who require a third-party provider to help with their network setup.

  6. Cloud VPN Gateway: Google Cloud VPN Gateway is a fully managed VPN service that enables users to create and manage VPN connections to their GCP VPC networks.

Overall, Google Hybrid Connectivity provides a suite of services that enable users to connect their on-premises networks with the cloud securely and reliably. With its support for Dedicated Interconnect, VPN connectivity, Cloud Router, Traffic Director, Partner Interconnect, and Cloud VPN Gateway, Google Hybrid Connectivity provides a range of options for customers to choose from based on their specific needs and requirements.

D. Where Implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Google Hybrid Connectivity involves ensuring that the network resources are configured correctly, that the network traffic is flowing properly, and that the security and access controls are properly configured. Here are some steps to test Google Hybrid Connectivity:

  1. Create a test environment: Create a test environment that mimics the production environment as closely as possible, including the network configuration, machine types, and storage options. Ensure that the on-premises network and GCP network are configured to allow communication between the two.

  2. Deploy test resources: Deploy test resources, such as Google Compute Engine instances or Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines, on the test environment. Ensure that the resources are properly configured and that they can communicate with each other.

  3. Test network connectivity: Test the network connectivity between the test resources using ping or other network testing tools. Ensure that the network traffic is flowing properly and that there are no connectivity issues.

  4. Test security and access controls: Test the security and access controls for the test environment using Google Cloud IAM or Microsoft Azure Active Directory. Ensure that the access policies, roles, and permissions are properly configured, and that users and services can access the network resources as intended.

  5. Test network monitoring and logging: Test the network monitoring and logging capabilities for the test environment using Google Cloud Logging and Google Cloud Monitoring or Microsoft Azure Monitor. Ensure that the network traffic is being logged and monitored properly, and that alerts and notifications are being sent as intended.

  6. Test network performance and scalability: Test the network performance and scalability for the test environment using Google Cloud Load Balancing or Microsoft Azure Load Balancer and other performance testing tools. Ensure that the network can handle large and complex workloads and that the performance is consistent and reliable.

Overall, by thoroughly testing Google Hybrid Connectivity, users can ensure that their network resources are properly configured, that the network traffic is flowing properly, and that the security and access controls are properly configured. Additionally, users can reach out to Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure support for help with any technical challenges they may encounter.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

While Google Hybrid Connectivity provides a reliable and secure way to connect on-premises networks with Google Cloud Platform (GCP), there are some known issues that users may encounter. Here are some of the known issues for Google Hybrid Connectivity:

  1. Network performance issues: Users may encounter network performance issues with Google Hybrid Connectivity, such as slow network speeds or high latency. These issues can often be resolved by optimizing the network settings, such as using the appropriate machine types, adjusting the routing tables, or enabling network load balancing.

  2. Connectivity issues: Users may encounter connectivity issues with Google Hybrid Connectivity, such as unstable connections or intermittent failures. These issues can often be resolved by configuring the appropriate connectivity options, such as VPN or dedicated interconnect, and ensuring that the network resources are properly configured.

  3. Security issues: Users may encounter security issues with Google Hybrid Connectivity, such as unauthorized access or data breaches. These issues can often be resolved by implementing the appropriate security and compliance controls, such as encryption, access control, and auditing.

  4. Integration issues: Users may encounter integration issues with Google Hybrid Connectivity, such as interoperability issues or compatibility issues with other systems. These issues can often be resolved by using the appropriate integration standards, such as REST APIs or messaging protocols, and ensuring that the network resources are compatible with other systems.

  5. Cost issues: Users may encounter cost issues with Google Hybrid Connectivity, such as unexpected charges or inefficient resource utilization. These issues can often be resolved by optimizing the network configuration, such as using the appropriate machine types, storage options, and pricing models.

Overall, while these issues may impact some users, Google Hybrid Connectivity remains a reliable and powerful suite of networking services that is widely used by businesses and organizations around the world. By monitoring their network usage and reviewing their usage reports and logs, users can ensure that their network resources are secure, scalable, and cost-effective, and that they are complying with industry and regulatory standards. Additionally, users can reach out to Google Cloud support or Microsoft Azure support for help with any known issues or other technical challenges they may encounter.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

[x] Reviewed by Application Development

[x] Reviewed by Data Architecture