Implementing Azure API Management for Cross-Functional Collaboration

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: 23 May 2023

  • Next Modified Date: 23 May 2024

A. Introduction

Azure API Management is a fully managed service that enables organizations to create, publish, secure, and monitor APIs. By utilizing this service across our organization, we can ensure consistent API usage, enhance security, and improve performance across teams.

B. How is it used at Seagen

To ensure a smooth adoption of Azure API Management by different teams and prepare our organization for successful collaboration, we propose the following steps:

1. Form Cross-Functional Teams

  1. Identify key stakeholders from development, operations, and security teams

  2. Establish a centralized API management team responsible for governance, best practices, and support

  3. Encourage collaboration and communication between teams

2. Develop Guidelines and Best Practices

  1. Establish API design and development guidelines for consistent API usage

  2. Define API versioning and lifecycle management policies

  3. Implement security and authentication standards

  4. Document guidelines and best practices for easy reference and knowledge sharing

3. Train and Upskill the Teams

  1. Provide Azure API Management training for developers, architects, and operations staff

  2. Organize workshops and hands-on sessions to familiarize teams with API management processes

  3. Encourage team members to pursue relevant certifications and share knowledge

4. Implement Azure API Management

  1. Migrate existing APIs to Azure API Management for centralized control

  2. Set up API Management instances and define API products for different teams

  3. Implement security and authentication policies based on team requirements

  4. Configure caching, throttling, and other performance optimizations

  5. Enable API usage monitoring and analytics for individual teams

5. Foster Continuous Improvement and Collaboration

  1. Regularly review API performance, security, and usage metrics

  2. Implement a feedback loop between teams to share insights and best practices

  3. Update guidelines and best practices based on lessons learned and emerging technologies

C. Features

The Azure Well-Architected Framework provides a set of guidelines to help organizations optimize cloud workloads and applications. Seagen has adopted this framework and has adjusted it to meet our current and future needs.

This document outlines a strategy for adopting Azure API Management across different teams within our organization. By leveraging Azure API Management, we can ensure consistent API usage, enhance security, and improve performance across teams, fostering a collaborative environment.

This strategy includes the formation of cross-functional teams, development of guidelines and best practices, and continuous monitoring and improvement of API management processes.


  1. Centralized management of APIs

  2. Simplified API discovery and consumption

  3. Improved security and compliance

  4. Enhanced performance through caching and throttling

  5. Comprehensive analytics and monitoring

Adopting Azure API Management across different teams within our organization will promote consistent API usage, enhance security, and improve performance, fostering a collaborative environment. By following the proposed strategy, we can ensure a smooth adoption of Azure API Management and empower our teams to collaborate effectively. This will ultimately enable us to deliver better, more reliable, and secure services to our customers and partners.

D. Where implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Azure API Management for cross-functional collaboration involves ensuring that the APIs are functioning correctly and meeting the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project. Here are some steps to follow to test Azure API Management for cross-functional collaboration:

  1. Define the scope and requirements: Define the scope of the project and the requirements of all stakeholders involved in the project. This will help ensure that the APIs are designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

  2. Create test plans: Develop test plans that cover all aspects of the API functionality, including input validation, authentication and authorization, error handling, and performance testing. The test plans should be designed to meet the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project.

  3. Conduct integration testing: Test the APIs in an integrated environment to ensure that they work correctly with other systems and applications. This may involve testing the APIs with different operating systems, browsers, and devices.

  4. Conduct user acceptance testing: Test the APIs with end-users to ensure that they meet their needs and are easy to use. This may involve conducting surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather feedback from users.

  5. Monitor performance: Monitor the performance of the APIs in production to ensure that they are meeting the needs of all stakeholders. This may involve setting up monitoring tools, such as Azure Application Insights, to track API usage and identify performance issues.

  6. Address issues: Address any issues that are identified during testing and make necessary changes to ensure that the APIs are functioning correctly and meeting the needs of all stakeholders.

By following these steps, you can ensure that Azure API Management is tested thoroughly and meets the needs of all stakeholders involved in the project. This can help improve cross-functional collaboration and ensure the success of the project.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

There are several known issues that can impact cross-functional collaboration with Azure API Management. Here are some of the most common issues to be aware of:

  1. Security issues: Security is a critical concern when it comes to API management. If the APIs are not properly secured, they may be vulnerable to attacks or data breaches. This can impact cross-functional collaboration as it may cause trust issues between different teams involved in the project.

  2. Performance issues: Performance is another critical concern when it comes to API management. If the APIs are not performing well, it can impact the user experience and cause delays in processing requests. This can impact cross-functional collaboration as it may cause delays in project completion.

  3. Compatibility issues: Compatibility issues can arise when different teams are using different tools or technologies. This can cause issues when integrating APIs with other systems and applications. It is important to ensure that all stakeholders are using compatible tools and technologies to avoid compatibility issues.

  4. Communication issues: Communication is critical for cross-functional collaboration. If there are communication breakdowns between different teams involved in the project, it can cause delays and misunderstandings. It is important to establish clear communication channels and protocols to ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page.

  5. Change management issues: Change management is another critical concern when it comes to API management. If changes are not properly managed, they can cause issues with the APIs and impact cross-functional collaboration. It is important to have proper change management processes in place to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of any changes and their impacts.

Overall, cross-functional collaboration with Azure API Management requires careful planning and management to ensure that all stakeholders are working together effectively. By being aware of these known issues and taking steps to address them, you can improve cross-functional collaboration and ensure the success of your project.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

[x] Reviewed by Application Development

[x] Reviewed by Data Architecture