How GDCT Manages and Provisions Subscriptions


Use Case: A team wants to experiment using Azure resources BEFORE they have a product that can be created in LeanIX.

GDCT has created the ability to have a generic Seagen Sandbox Subscription and each service or experiment should be contained in a resource group. Resource groups can be deleted with all the components and resources deleted as well. The team creating the experiment has to provide the name of the Resource Group and who needs access.

Request 1: Name: Omnivivo Team: Colby Ford, Gregg Dingle, Tony Critchett


  • adf-omnivivo-sbx

Request 2: Name: ADC Tracker Team: Colby Ford, Gregg Dingle, Tony Critchett


  • adf-adctracker-sbx

Request 1: Name: ADF Launchpad Template Team: Gregg Dingle, Chris Lundy


  • adf-launchpadtemplate-sbx


This resource group is ephemeral. It is setup to expire 60 days after the resource group is made. However, the contributors will receive the following notifications.

1 - 60 days 2 - 30 days 3 - 7 days

This process is designed to encourage automation or experimentation with no expectation of promotion to another environment or repository.

Your Team Wants to Create Resources from Experimentation

If the team wants to continue developing with the expectation of moving to production, they need to recreate their resources in a development environment by requesting the creation of subscriptions, repositories, and pipelines.

To do this

  1. Register a Product in SNOW that is assigned to the EGC group.

  2. If the product is approved by the EGC, then a new product is created in LeanIX and then that triggers the creation of development, stage and production pipelines, repositories, and subscriptions as well as the permissions for the person submitting the request

  3. Once created, the team has access to a repository that has pipelines that deliver resources to Azure or Google

TODO: Create a simple form for submission of Product to EGC TODO: EGC needs an assignment group in SNOW TODO: Form contains, Product Name, Description, Team Name, owner, required tags (default data classification to ‘internal’) CDL TODO: Allow teams to create their own repo and assign the creator as a contributor, connected to Snyk, and advanced security. The new user role will be applied to the requester.

TODO, complete this