Blueprint: Azure SQL with Networked Global Delivery

The global, scalable, cloud-native environment is designed with key characteristics. Those characteristics help establish a resilient, self-healing, and automated environment. This blueprint discusses 6 common areas of design;

  1. Overall plan

  2. Integration Scenario Workflow

  3. Core cloud components

  4. Base configuration

  5. Testing, monitoring, support

  6. Training and delivery

Each blueprint will present these 5 key areas of design and will ensure we have the ability to scale and automate the delivery of the blueprint in a short amount of time.

Overall Plan

THIS MAY NEED MODIFICATION There are different configurations per subscription. Ensure you set the proper setting per subscription so the pipeline validation will not fail.


Core Cloud Components

Base Configuration

Development and Staging Subscriptions

THIS MAY NEED MODIFICATION Development and staging use low scale clusters and configuration due to the lack of use and/or sampling process. There is no need to scale up the services on either of these environments. When the team is ready to scale up and test the load and performance, they will deploy to a performance environment, do their testing, take note of baselines, load and latency, and destroy the performance subscription.

The following are the defaults for the development and staging environments.

User Defined Settings

  • Name: User Defined Setting

Defaulted Module Settings Network

  • ResourceGroupName: defaulted by pipeline

  • Location: westus2

  • ServerName: TBD

  • SkuName: Vcore based tier + family pattern or the DTU based BasicPool, StandardPool or PremiumPool pattern

  • SkuCapacity: TBD - depends on VCore-based or DTU-based

  • SkuTier: GeneralPurpose, BusinessCritical, Basic, Standard or Premium

  • SkuFamily (optional): Gen4 or Gen5

  • PerDatabaseSettingsMinCapacity: TBD

  • PerDatabaseSettingsMaxCapacity: TBD


  • Tags: TBD

Testing - Monitoring - Support

Training - Delivery