Azure Resource Mover

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: 30 May 2023

  • Next Modified Date: 30 May 2024

A. Introduction

Resource Mover helps you to move Azure resources between Azure regions.

You might move resources to different Azure regions to:

  • Align to a region launch: Move resources to a newly introduced Azure region that wasn’t previously available.

  • Align for services/features: Move resources to take advantage of the services or features that are available in a specific region.

  • Respond to business developments: Move resources to a region in response to business changes, such as mergers or acquisitions.

  • Align for proximity: Move resources to a region local to your business.

  • Meet data requirements: Move resources to align with data residency requirements, or data classification needs.

  • Respond to deployment requirements: Move resources that were deployed in error or move in response to capacity needs.

  • Respond to decommissioning: Move resources because a region is decommissioned.

Why use Resource Mover?

Resource Mover provides:

  • A single hub for moving resources across regions.

  • Reduced move time and complexity. Everything you need is in a single location.

  • A simple and consistent experience for moving different types of Azure resources.

  • An easy way to identify dependencies across resources you want to move. This feature helps you to move related resources together so that everything works as expected in the target region after the move.

  • Automatic cleanup of resources in the source region, if you want to delete them after the move.

  • Testing. You can try out a move and then discard it if you don’t want to do a full move.

B. How is it used at Seagen

As a biopharma research company using Microsoft Azure, Seagen could use Azure Resource Mover to migrate their Azure resources across regions or subscriptions. Azure Resource Mover is a powerful tool that allows users to move Azure resources between regions, subscriptions, and Azure AD tenants. Here are some ways Seagen could use Azure Resource Mover:

  1. Resource migration: Azure Resource Mover allows Seagen to migrate Azure resources, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and virtual networks, from one region or subscription to another. This can help Seagen optimize resource usage and reduce costs by moving resources to a more cost-effective region or subscription.

  2. Resource consolidation: Azure Resource Mover allows Seagen to consolidate Azure resources by moving them to a single subscription or region. This can help Seagen simplify resource management and reduce administrative overhead.

  3. Resource expansion: Azure Resource Mover allows Seagen to expand their Azure resources by moving them to a region or subscription with more capacity. This can help Seagen scale their resources to meet their growing business needs.

  4. Resource replication: Azure Resource Mover allows Seagen to replicate their Azure resources across regions or subscriptions for disaster recovery or high availability purposes. This can help Seagen ensure that their critical resources are always available and protected against data loss or downtime.

  5. Resource testing: Azure Resource Mover allows Seagen to test their Azure resources in a new region or subscription before committing to a full migration. This can help Seagen ensure that their resources will work correctly in the new environment.

Overall, Azure Resource Mover provides a powerful tool for migrating and managing Azure resources. Its ability to migrate, consolidate, expand, replicate, and test Azure resources across regions and subscriptions makes it a valuable tool for organizations that require a flexible and scalable platform for their Azure resources. It is recommended to carefully plan and test the use of Azure Resource Mover in a test environment before deploying it in a production environment to minimize the risk of issues during production use.

C. Features

Azure Resource Mover is a tool that allows users to migrate their Azure resources between regions, subscriptions, and Azure AD tenants. It offers a range of features to help organizations move their resources in a consistent and scalable manner. Here are some of the key features of Azure Resource Mover:

  1. Resource migration: Azure Resource Mover allows users to migrate Azure resources, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and virtual networks, from one region or subscription to another. This can help users optimize resource usage and reduce costs by moving resources to a more cost-effective region or subscription.

  2. Resource consolidation: Azure Resource Mover allows users to consolidate Azure resources by moving them to a single subscription or region. This can help users simplify resource management and reduce administrative overhead.

  3. Resource expansion: Azure Resource Mover allows users to expand their Azure resources by moving them to a region or subscription with more capacity. This can help users scale their resources to meet their growing business needs.

  4. Resource replication: Azure Resource Mover allows users to replicate their Azure resources across regions or subscriptions for disaster recovery or high availability purposes. This can help users ensure that their critical resources are always available and protected against data loss or downtime.

  5. Resource testing: Azure Resource Mover allows users to test their Azure resources in a new region or subscription before committing to a full migration. This can help users ensure that their resources will work correctly in the new environment.

  6. Integration with Azure services: Azure Resource Mover integrates with other Azure services, such as Azure Site Recovery and Azure Backup, to provide a comprehensive solution for disaster recovery and data protection.

  7. Customization: Azure Resource Mover allows users to customize their migration plans and scripts to automate resource migration. This can help users automate repetitive tasks and improve their productivity.

  8. Security: Azure Resource Mover ensures that migrated resources are secured with the same policies and access controls as the original resources. This helps ensure that migrated resources comply with organizational security policies and industry standards.

Overall, Azure Resource Mover provides a powerful tool for migrating and managing Azure resources. Its ability to migrate, consolidate, expand, replicate, and test Azure resources across regions and subscriptions makes it a valuable tool for organizations that require a flexible and scalable platform for their Azure resources. It is recommended to carefully plan and test the use of Azure Resource Mover in a test environment before deploying it in a production environment to minimize the risk of issues during production use.

D. Where Implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Azure Resource Mover involves several steps that include:

  1. Creating a test environment: The first step is to create a test environment that is separate from the production environment. This ensures that any issues or bugs discovered during testing do not affect the live system.

  2. Defining a migration plan: The next step is to define a migration plan that includes the resources that need to be migrated, the source and target regions or subscriptions, and any dependencies or constraints. This can help ensure that all the resources are migrated correctly.

  3. Testing resource migration: Once the migration plan is defined, the next step is to test resource migration. This involves verifying that Azure Resource Mover can migrate resources from the source environment to the target environment and that the resources are migrated correctly.

  4. Testing resource replication: After resource migration is tested, the next step is to test resource replication. This involves verifying that Azure Resource Mover can replicate resources across regions or subscriptions for disaster recovery or high availability purposes.

  5. Testing resource consolidation: After resource replication is tested, the next step is to test resource consolidation. This involves verifying that Azure Resource Mover can consolidate resources by moving them to a single subscription or region.

  6. Testing resource expansion: After resource consolidation is tested, the next step is to test resource expansion. This involves verifying that Azure Resource Mover can expand resources by moving them to a region or subscription with more capacity.

  7. Testing resource testing: After resource expansion is tested, the next step is to test resource testing. This involves verifying that Azure Resource Mover can test migrated resources in a new region or subscription before committing to a full migration.

  8. Integration testing: After Azure Resource Mover has been tested, it must be integrated with other systems and applications to ensure that it works seamlessly with other components.

  9. User acceptance testing: Finally, Azure Resource Mover must undergo user acceptance testing to ensure that it meets the requirements of the end-users.

Overall, testing Azure Resource Mover involves a comprehensive testing approach that covers all the functionalities of the solution and ensures that it meets the requirements of the end-users. Testing should include both functional and non-functional testing, such as performance testing, security testing, and scalability testing. It is also important to test the integration of Azure Resource Mover with other systems and applications to ensure that it works seamlessly with other components. It is recommended to test Azure Resource Mover in a test environment before deploying it in a production environment to minimize the risk of issues during production use.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

Like all software products, Azure Resource Mover may have some known issues. Here are some of the known issues of Azure Resource Mover:

  1. Limited support for certain resource types: Azure Resource Mover may have limited support for certain resource types, such as managed disks and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters. This can limit the ability of users to migrate these resources using Azure Resource Mover.

  2. Dependency issues: Azure Resource Mover may have issues with dependencies between resources, such as when moving a virtual machine that depends on a storage account. This can impact the ability of users to move resources correctly and can cause issues with resource availability.

  3. Migration errors: Azure Resource Mover may experience migration errors due to issues with the source or target environment, such as network connectivity or resource conflicts. This can impact the ability of users to migrate resources correctly and can cause downtime or data loss.

  4. Customization issues: Azure Resource Mover allows users to customize migration plans and scripts to automate resource migration. However, customization can introduce issues, such as syntax errors or security vulnerabilities.

  5. Integration issues: Azure Resource Mover may have integration issues when integrating with other systems and applications. This can impact the ability of users to use Azure Resource Mover in their existing workflows.

  6. Performance issues: Azure Resource Mover may have performance issues when migrating or managing large numbers of Azure resources. This can impact the ability of users to manage Azure resources effectively.

Overall, while Azure Resource Mover is a powerful solution for migrating and managing Azure resources, users must be aware of these known issues and take steps to mitigate their impact. This may include addressing dependency issues, ensuring migration validation, monitoring performance and integration issues, and providing training and support to users to effectively use and manage Azure Resource Mover. It is recommended to carefully plan and test the use of Azure Resource Mover in a test environment before deploying it in a production environment to minimize the risk of issues during production use.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

[x] Reviewed by Application Development

[x] Reviewed by Data Architecture