
DICOM imaging is used to view images from MRI, CT, and other clinical studies. Seagen uses these images to look for tumors and abnormalities during case studies. They also use them to see reduction or improvement in existing tumors.


The initial POC was to get some data and images and display these images in an open source viewer called OHIF.

The subsequent releases productionize this process.

Release 1: DICOM image service, data store, viewer, get data

Release 2: Production version of the same, obfuscation, get data

Release 3: Exposure of service for 3rd parties to send data

Ongoing Features: Minor changes to the service with optimizations


The timeline is as follows.

Q2 2022: POC of service delivered to business team. Production release with ability to pull images. Exposed API or mechanism to allow 3rd parties to send images

Ingestion Process

  1. 3rd party indicates they have case studies and corresponding images and data associated with that study

  2. 3rd party calls API to upload DICOM images to portal or signs into portal where they can upload images and data

  3. Seagen radiographers and image analysis teams review images and annotate them

  4. Seagen teams report on case studies and images via manual processes

  5. Seagen updates information from study to patient record (obfuscated data) via portal and API


25 - 100 studies

20,000 - 40,000 image per study

up to 1tb per image

Number of Concurrent Users

It is anticipated that we will have a phased release of users.

2022: 10-15 for human studies

2023: 15-50 users for both human and animal studies