Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: 31 May 2023

  • Next Modified Date: 31 May 2024

A. Introduction

Azure Content Moderator is an AI service that lets you handle content that is potentially offensive, risky, or otherwise undesirable. It includes the AI-powered content moderation service which scans text, image, and videos and applies content flags automatically.

You may want to build content filtering software into your app to comply with regulations or maintain the intended environment for your users.

Where it’s used

The following are a few scenarios in which a software developer or team would require a content moderation service:

  • Online marketplaces that moderate product catalogs and other user-generated content.

  • Gaming companies that moderate user-generated game artifacts and chat rooms.

  • Social messaging platforms that moderate images, text, and videos added by their users.

  • Enterprise media companies that implement centralized moderation for their content.

  • K-12 education solution providers filtering out content that is inappropriate for students and educators.


You cannot use Content Moderator to detect illegal child exploitation images. However, qualified organizations can use the PhotoDNA Cloud Service to screen for this type of content.

B. How is it used at Seagen

As a biopharma research company that uses Microsoft Azure, you can use Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos. Here are some ways you can use Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator:

  1. Moderation of user-generated content: You can use Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator to automatically moderate user-generated content on your website or social media platforms. This can help you protect your brand reputation and ensure that your online content meets community guidelines and legal requirements.

  2. Moderation of customer reviews: You can use Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator to automatically moderate customer reviews on your website or e-commerce platform. This can help you identify and remove reviews that contain inappropriate or offensive content, and improve the overall quality of your customer feedback.

  3. Moderation of chat messages: You can use Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator to automatically moderate chat messages on your website or messaging platform. This can help you identify and remove messages that contain inappropriate or offensive content, and ensure that your chat platform is a safe and respectful space for your users.

  4. Moderation of images and videos: You can use Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator to automatically moderate images and videos on your website or social media platforms. This can help you identify and remove images and videos that contain inappropriate or offensive content, and protect your brand reputation and legal compliance.

  5. Customization: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator allows you to customize the moderation rules and criteria to meet your specific needs, ensuring that the service accurately detects and filters inappropriate or offensive content based on your unique requirements.

Overall, Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator provides a powerful and flexible tool for detecting and filtering inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos. By leveraging the machine learning and AI capabilities of the service, you can quickly and accurately moderate content, protect your brand reputation and legal compliance, and improve the overall quality of your online content and user feedback.

C. Features

Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator is a machine learning-based service that enables you to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos. Here are some of the key features of Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator:

  1. Text moderation: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator allows you to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive text content, such as profanity, personal attacks, and hate speech.

  2. Image moderation: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator allows you to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive images, such as adult content, violence, and illegal activities.

  3. Video moderation: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator allows you to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive videos, such as violence, adult content, and hate speech.

  4. Customization: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator allows you to customize the moderation rules and criteria to meet your specific needs, ensuring that the service accurately detects and filters inappropriate or offensive content based on your unique requirements.

  5. Review tool: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator includes a review tool that allows you to manually review and approve or reject flagged content, ensuring that the service is accurately detecting and filtering inappropriate or offensive content.

  6. Workflow integration: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator can be easily integrated into your existing workflows and platforms, such as websites, social media platforms, and messaging apps.

  7. Multilingual support: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator supports multiple languages, allowing you to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content in a wide range of languages.

Overall, Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator provides a powerful and flexible tool for detecting and filtering inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos. By leveraging the machine learning and AI capabilities of the service, you can quickly and accurately moderate content, protect your brand reputation and legal compliance, and improve the overall quality of your online content and user feedback.

D. Where Implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator involves verifying that the service is properly configured and that it can accurately detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos. Here are some steps you can take to test Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator:

  1. Verify configuration: Verify that Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator is properly configured and integrated with your Azure account and resources.

  2. Test text moderation: Test Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator by submitting sample text that contains inappropriate or offensive content, and verifying that the service accurately detects and filters the content.

  3. Test image moderation: Test Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator by submitting sample images that contain inappropriate or offensive content, and verifying that the service accurately detects and filters the content.

  4. Test video moderation: Test Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator by submitting sample videos that contain inappropriate or offensive content, and verifying that the service accurately detects and filters the content.

  5. Test customization: Test the customization capabilities of Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator by configuring the moderation rules and criteria to meet your specific needs, and verifying that the service accurately detects and filters inappropriate or offensive content based on your unique requirements.

  6. Test review tool: Test the review tool of Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator by manually reviewing flagged content and verifying that it accurately detects and filters inappropriate or offensive content.

  7. Test documentation: Test the documentation of Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator by verifying that it is up-to-date, accurate, and comprehensive.

Overall, testing Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator involves verifying that the service is properly configured and functioning as expected, testing text, image, and video moderation, customization, the review tool, and documentation. By testing Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator, you can ensure that you are effectively using the service to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos, and that you are benefiting from the accuracy, flexibility, and scalability it provides.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

As with any software or service, there may be known issues or limitations that users should be aware of when using Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator. Here are some of the known issues for Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator:

  1. Limited accuracy: While Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator provides accurate results in many cases, it may not always accurately detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content, particularly in cases where the content is highly contextual or contains subtle nuances.

  2. Limited customization: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator has limited customization options, which can limit the ability of users to configure the service to their specific needs.

  3. Limited language support: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator has limited language support, which can limit its usefulness for users who work with content in languages other than English.

  4. Sensitivity: The sensitivity of content moderation in Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator can be difficult to configure, which can result in false positives or false negatives.

  5. Cost: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator can be expensive for users with limited budgets, particularly if they use it frequently or for large volumes of data.

  6. Limited integration: Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator has limited integration with third-party tools and services, which can limit the ability of users to incorporate it into their existing workflows.

Overall, while Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator offers a powerful and flexible tool for detecting and filtering inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos, users must be aware of these known issues and take steps to mitigate their impact. This may include carefully configuring the service to meet the specific needs of their data, carefully monitoring the cost and sensitivity of the service to ensure that it is a good fit for their budget and data requirements, and carefully integrating the service into their existing workflows to ensure that it is effectively utilized. By taking these steps, users can ensure that they are effectively using Azure Cognitive Services: Content Moderator to detect and filter inappropriate or offensive content in text, images, and videos, and that they are benefiting from the accuracy, flexibility, and scalability it provides.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

[x] Reviewed by Application Development

[x] Reviewed by Data Architecture