Training Paths

There are several tools, processes, activities and technologies you need to learn to be effective in a DevOps Culture and a Digital Cloud.

Seagen provides many resources that can help you on your journey.

The following paths are effective in helping you use CI/CD and develop solutions using serverless architecture.

Introduction to Global Digital Cloud Transformation

The Global Digital Cloud Transformation program consists of several products. In the product development space, products have associated value. This value comes in four areas.

  1. Perceived

  2. Intrinsic

  3. Gained

  4. Earned

When determining Gained value, we measure the effectiveness of the product on everyday life. For instance, in this program, we will create a Technology Automation product. Some measures of Gained value are;

  • Adoption rate

  • Skill improvement

  • Time to release

  • Process optimization

When training, we look for the gained value. Resources who learn on the job and are provided training opportunities are valuable resources. Not only do they learn but they also apply their skills to the work at hand. It is true that they may leave with those skills but Seagon really wants to become a learning organization.

Taking a queue from the book Accelerate, Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations by Nicole Forsgren, PhD, Jez Humble and Gene Kim, we will develop and drive improvements in software delivery performance.

There are 24 key capabilities that we are enabling with this program.

Those capabilities can be broken down into 5 key domains.

  1. Continuous Delivery

  2. Architecture

  3. Product and Process

  4. Lean Management and Monitoring

  5. Cultural

Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery is a set of capabilities that enable us to get changes of all kinds - features, configuration changes, bug fixes, experiments - into production or into the hands of users safely, quickly and sustainably.

This consists of 5 key principles;

  1. Build quality into what you are working on

  2. Work in small batches

  3. Computers perform repetitive tasks; people solve problems

  4. Relentlessly pursue continuous improvement

  5. Everyone is responsible

Learning Paths

The following learning paths apply to CI/CD

  1. Visualize and design your work

  2. Fail Often, Fail Fast

  3. Automate as much as possible

  4. Monitor what you operate

  5. Continuously improve

The following training is recommended for DevOps engineers.

  1. Terraform Cloud

  2. Ansible

  3. Markdown

  4. Agile Delivery

  5. PowerBI

  6. GitHub Flow

  7. GitHub Actions

  8. Secure Code Scanning

  9. Cloud Monitoring

  10. Postman

  11. VS Code

  12. Jupyter

  13. Introduction to Databricks

  14. Microsoft Azure Architecture and Administration

  15. Google Cloud Platform Architecture and Administration

  16. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architecture and Administration

  17. Salesforce Cloud Architecture and Automation

Developer Training

Developers use a wide range of tools and platforms. Providing training needs to be accompanied with a partner that has specialized content on learning paths. Currently Seagen uses A Cloud Guru which was recently bought by Pluralsight. Both of these companies have content tailored to developer and designers.

Learning Paths

The following learning paths apply to Developers/Engineers

  1. Start with a Solution Design

  2. Lo-fi/High-fi Design Thinking

  3. SMART Coding

  4. FAIR Architecture

  5. Hexagonal Architecture

  6. Principles of Service Design and Data Contracts

  7. Secure Coding

  8. Deliver through Automation

  9. Integration Scenario Workflow Development

The following training is recommended for developers.

  1. Terraform

  2. Ansible

  3. Markdown

  4. Agile Delivery

  5. Specflow

  6. Gherkin

  7. GitHub Actions

  8. Secure Coding

  9. Powershell

  10. VS Code

  11. Jupyter

  12. Introduction to Databricks

  13. Microsoft Azure Architecture and Administration

  14. Google Cloud Platform Architecture and Administration

  15. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architecture and Administration

  16. Salesforce Cloud Architecture and Automation

  17. Snyk Learn

Analyst/Tester Training

Analysts transition to different skills when working on Agile Projects. This is because they are doing just in time documentation in collaboration with the developers and other team members. The following training should occur for Business, Systems, Technical Analysts.

Learning Paths

The following learning paths apply to Analysts

  1. Use Human Centered Design to Understand the Work

  2. Write features and not requirements

  3. Test your assumptions

  4. Identify threats and vulnerabilities

  5. Establish baselines

The following training is recommended for analysts.

  1. CI/CD

  2. DevOps

  3. Agile Delivery

  4. Specflow

  5. Gherkin

  6. Markdown

  7. Pervasive Testing

  8. Integration Scenario Workflows

  9. PowerBI

  10. Powershell

  11. VS Code

  12. Jupyter

  13. Introduction to Databricks

  14. Microsoft Azure Architecture and Administration

  15. Google Cloud Platform Architecture and Administration

  16. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architecture and Administration

  17. Salesforce Cloud Architecture and Automation



