Azure Netapp Files 3

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: 26 May 2023

  • Next Modified Date: 26 May 2024

A. Introduction

Azure NetApp Files is an Azure native, first-party, enterprise-class, high-performance file storage service. It provides NAS volumes as a service for which you can create NetApp accounts, capacity pools, select service and performance levels, create volumes, and manage data protection. It allows you to create and manage high-performance, highly available, and scalable file shares, using the same protocols and tools that you’re familiar with and enterprise applications rely on on-premises. Azure NetApp Files supports SMB and NFS protocols and can be used for various use cases such as file sharing, home directories, databases, high-performance computing and more. Additionally, it also provides built-in availability, data protection and disaster recovery capabilities.

B. How is it used at Seagen

As a biopharma research company, Seagen can use Azure NetApp Files (ANF) to store and manage large amounts of data on Microsoft Azure. ANF is a fully managed cloud service that provides high-performance storage for enterprise applications and workloads. Here are some ways Seagen could use ANF:

  1. Data storage: ANF can be used to store large amounts of data on Microsoft Azure. This enables Seagen to store and manage data for its biopharma research projects on a highly scalable and flexible cloud-based storage platform.

  2. Data backup and recovery: ANF provides built-in data backup and recovery capabilities, which enables Seagen to protect its data against accidental deletion or data loss. This ensures that Seagen can quickly recover its data in the event of a disaster.

  3. High-performance computing: ANF provides high-performance storage that is optimized for enterprise applications and workloads. This enables Seagen to run compute-intensive workloads, such as bioinformatics and genomics research, on Microsoft Azure.

  4. Collaboration: ANF enables Seagen to collaborate with other researchers and stakeholders by providing a shared storage platform for data sharing and collaboration.

  5. Data migration: ANF provides built-in data migration tools that enable Seagen to migrate its data from on-premises storage to Microsoft Azure. This ensures that Seagen can take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of cloud-based storage without disrupting its existing data storage infrastructure.

Overall, Azure NetApp Files provides a powerful and flexible platform for storing and managing large amounts of data on Microsoft Azure. Its ability to support data storage, backup and recovery, high-performance computing, collaboration, and data migration makes it a valuable tool for organizations, such as Seagen, that require high-performance storage for their enterprise applications and workloads.

C. Features

Azure NetApp Files (ANF) is a fully managed cloud service that provides high-performance storage for enterprise applications and workloads. Here are some of the key features of ANF:

  1. High-performance storage: ANF provides high-performance storage that is optimized for enterprise applications and workloads. It provides consistent and predictable performance for both file and block workloads.

  2. Fully managed service: ANF is a fully managed service that eliminates the need for organizations to manage and maintain their own storage infrastructure. This reduces the complexity and cost of managing storage infrastructure on-premises.

  3. Integration with Azure services: ANF is integrated with other Azure services, such as Azure Virtual Machines and Azure Kubernetes Service, which enables organizations to run their enterprise applications and workloads on Microsoft Azure.

  4. Data backup and recovery: ANF provides built-in data backup and recovery capabilities, which enables organizations to protect their data against accidental deletion or data loss. This ensures that organizations can quickly recover their data in the event of a disaster.

  5. Data migration: ANF provides built-in data migration tools that enable organizations to migrate their data from on-premises storage to Microsoft Azure. This ensures that organizations can take advantage of the scalability and flexibility of cloud-based storage without disrupting their existing data storage infrastructure.

  6. Data sharing and collaboration: ANF enables organizations to share and collaborate on data by providing a shared storage platform for data sharing and collaboration.

  7. Security and compliance: ANF provides advanced security and compliance features, such as encryption at rest and in transit, which enables organizations to store and manage their data securely and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Overall, Azure NetApp Files provides a powerful and flexible platform for storing and managing large amounts of data on Microsoft Azure. Its ability to support high-performance storage, data backup and recovery, data migration, data sharing and collaboration, and security and compliance features makes it a valuable tool for organizations that require high-performance storage for their enterprise applications and workloads.

D. Where Implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Azure NetApp Files (ANF) involves several steps that include:

  1. Setting up a testing environment: The first step is to set up a testing environment that is separate from the production environment. This ensures that any issues or bugs discovered during testing do not affect the live system.

  2. Creating test cases: The next step is to create test cases that cover all the functionalities of ANF. Test cases should include positive and negative scenarios, edge cases, and stress tests.

  3. Running tests: Once the test cases are created, the next step is to run the tests. This involves executing the test cases and recording the results.

  4. Debugging and fixing issues: If any issues or bugs are discovered during testing, they must be debugged and fixed before proceeding with further testing.

  5. Repeat testing: After fixing the issues, the tests must be run again to ensure that the fixes have been successful and there are no further issues.

  6. Integration testing: Once ANF has been tested, it must be integrated with other systems and applications to ensure that it works seamlessly with other components.

  7. User acceptance testing: Finally, ANF must undergo user acceptance testing to ensure that it meets the requirements of the end-users.

Overall, testing ANF involves a comprehensive testing approach that covers all the functionalities of the solution and ensures that it meets the requirements of the end-users. Testing should include both functional and non-functional testing, such as performance testing, security testing, and scalability testing. It is also important to test the integration of ANF with other systems and applications to ensure that it works seamlessly with other components.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

Like all software products, Azure NetApp Files (ANF) may have some known issues. Here are some of the known issues for ANF:

  1. Latency issues: There may be latency issues when accessing ANF, which can impact the performance of applications and workloads.

  2. Data consistency issues: ANF may experience data consistency issues, which can result in data corruption or data loss.

  3. Scalability issues: ANF may have scalability issues when scaling up to support larger workloads or when scaling out to support more users.

  4. Cost management issues: Organizations must carefully manage the costs associated with ANF, as costs can quickly add up when storing and managing large amounts of data on Microsoft Azure.

  5. Integration issues: ANF may have integration issues when integrating with other systems and applications, which can impact the ability of organizations to use ANF for their enterprise applications and workloads.

Overall, while ANF is a powerful solution for storing and managing large amounts of data on Microsoft Azure, users must be aware of these known issues and take steps to mitigate their impact. This may include addressing latency and data consistency issues, carefully managing costs, and ensuring compatibility and integration with other systems and applications. It is also important to carefully plan and test the storage and management of data on ANF to minimize the risk of issues during production use.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

[x] Reviewed by Application Development

[x] Reviewed by Data Architecture