Azure Maps

  • Author: Ronald Fung

  • Creation Date: 26 May 2023

  • Next Modified Date: 26 May 2024

A. Introduction

Microsoft Azure Maps provides developers from all industries with powerful geospatial capabilities. Those geospatial capabilities are packed with the freshest mapping data. Azure Maps is available for both web and mobile applications. Azure Maps is an Azure One API-compliant set of REST APIs. The following is a high-level overview of the services that Azure Maps offers:

  • Maps

  • Search

  • Routing

  • Traffic

  • Weather

  • Time zones

  • Geolocation

  • Elevation

  • Geofencing

  • Indoor maps (Creator)

  • Spatial operations

  • Data management

The Web and Android SDKs make development easy, flexible, and portable across multiple platforms.

B. How is it used at Seagen

As a biopharma research company, Seagen can use Azure Maps to build location-based services and applications that can help in its research activities. Azure Maps provides a suite of location-based services and APIs that can be used to build mapping, routing, and geocoding functionality into applications.

Here are some ways Seagen could use Azure Maps:

  1. Geocoding: Seagen can use Azure Maps to convert addresses into geographic coordinates, which can be used to plot locations on a map.

  2. Mapping: Seagen can use Azure Maps to display maps that show the locations of research facilities, hospitals, and clinics.

  3. Routing: Seagen can use Azure Maps to provide routing and directions to research facilities, hospitals, and clinics.

  4. Geofencing: Seagen can use Azure Maps to set up virtual perimeters around research facilities, hospitals, and clinics to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed inside.

  5. Location intelligence: Seagen can use Azure Maps to analyze location data to gain insights into patterns of disease and infection, as well as other factors that may impact research activities.

  6. Asset tracking: Seagen can use Azure Maps to track the location of assets such as research equipment and vehicles.

Overall, Azure Maps provides a powerful platform for building location-based services and applications. Its ability to convert addresses into geographic coordinates, display maps, provide routing and directions, set up virtual perimeters, analyze location data, and track assets make it a valuable tool for organizations looking to build location-based functionality into their applications.

C. Features

Azure Maps is a comprehensive set of location-based services and APIs that enable organizations to build mapping, routing, and geocoding functionality into their applications. Here are some of the key features of Azure Maps:

  1. Map control: Azure Maps provides a map control that developers can use to display maps in their applications. The map control includes support for multiple map styles, such as satellite, road, and hybrid.

  2. Geocoding: Azure Maps provides a geocoding service that converts addresses into geographic coordinates that can be used to plot locations on a map.

  3. Routing: Azure Maps provides a routing service that calculates the best route between two or more locations. The routing service includes support for different modes of transportation, such as driving, walking, and cycling.

  4. Traffic: Azure Maps provides real-time traffic information that can be used to calculate the fastest route between two or more locations.

  5. Search: Azure Maps provides a search service that enables users to search for places, addresses, and points of interest.

  6. Geospatial analysis: Azure Maps provides a set of geospatial analysis tools that enable organizations to analyze location data to gain insights into patterns of disease and infection, as well as other factors that may impact research activities.

  7. Geofencing: Azure Maps provides a geofencing service that enables organizations to set up virtual perimeters around locations to ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed inside.

  8. Asset tracking: Azure Maps provides an asset tracking service that enables organizations to track the location of assets such as research equipment and vehicles.

Overall, Azure Maps provides a powerful platform for building location-based services and applications. Its ability to provide map controls, geocoding, routing, traffic information, search functionality, geospatial analysis tools, geofencing, and asset tracking makes it a valuable tool for organizations looking to build location-based functionality into their applications.

D. Where Implemented


E. How it is tested

Testing Azure Maps involves several steps that include:

  1. Creating a testing environment: The first step is to create a testing environment that is separate from the production environment. This ensures that any issues or bugs discovered during testing do not affect the live system.

  2. Creating test cases: The next step is to create test cases that cover all the functionalities of Azure Maps. Test cases should include positive and negative scenarios, edge cases, and stress tests.

  3. Running tests: Once the test cases are created, the next step is to run the tests. This involves executing the test cases and recording the results.

  4. Debugging and fixing issues: If any issues or bugs are discovered during testing, they must be debugged and fixed before proceeding with further testing.

  5. Repeat testing: After fixing the issues, the tests must be run again to ensure that the fixes have been successful and there are no further issues.

  6. Integration testing: Once Azure Maps has been tested, it must be integrated with other systems and applications to ensure that it works seamlessly with other components.

  7. User acceptance testing: Finally, Azure Maps must undergo user acceptance testing to ensure that it meets the requirements of the end-users.

Overall, testing Azure Maps involves a comprehensive testing approach that covers all the functionalities of the solution and ensures that it meets the requirements of the end-users. Testing should include both functional and non-functional testing, such as performance testing, security testing, and scalability testing. It is also important to test the integration of Azure Maps with other systems and applications to ensure that it works seamlessly with other components.

F. 2023 Roadmap


G. 2024 Roadmap


H. Known Issues

Like all software products, Azure Maps may have some known issues. Here are some of the known issues for Azure Maps:

  1. Map rendering issues: Azure Maps may have issues with rendering maps, which can impact the user experience and make it difficult to navigate.

  2. Geocoding accuracy issues: Azure Maps may have issues with the accuracy of geocoding results, which can lead to incorrect location information being displayed.

  3. Routing issues: Azure Maps may have issues with calculating routes, which can lead to incorrect directions being provided to users.

  4. Performance issues: Azure Maps may experience performance issues, especially when used in applications with high traffic volume or complex geospatial data.

  5. Compatibility issues: Azure Maps may have compatibility issues with some third-party applications and systems, which can impact its performance and functionality.

  6. Cost management issues: Organizations must carefully manage the costs associated with Azure Maps, as costs can quickly add up when using location-based services.

Overall, while Azure Maps is a powerful solution for building location-based services and applications, users must be aware of these known issues and take steps to mitigate their impact. This may include addressing map rendering issues, ensuring geocoding accuracy, improving routing accuracy, addressing performance issues, ensuring compatibility with other systems and applications, and carefully managing costs.

[x] Reviewed by Enterprise Architecture

[x] Reviewed by Application Development

[x] Reviewed by Data Architecture