Promoting Code through the Seagen Change Control Process

TODO: update this with process

Objective is to provide automated change control processes and updates and at the same time identify areas where CCB is required.

  1. Product is registered within X (need something to relate it to in SNOW/CI)

  2. Owner, team metadata set appropriately in Terraform

  3. Unit tests passing for code

  4. Unit tests passing for pipeline

  5. E2E tests passing for pipeline, where applicable

  6. No critical or high Snyk vulnerabilities

  7. No critical or high GitHub Advanced Security issues

  8. No critical or high Dependabot alerts

  9. For Azure-based solutions - no critical or high issues and Azure security scan result of 90% or higher.

Production Guard Rails:

  1. CAB approval of Change Request (CR)

  2. LeanIX documentation for application created/updated

  3. Manager’s approval via pull request (hit the merge button) to promote code to production.

Pull Request