This holds instructions on how to setup a GKE cluster and link it to to Azure Arc
For an overview of setting up a cluster please see the following article
For an overview of how to conect Kubectl to a cluster see the following article
Create a new cluster and connect to it
Start a cluster from the UI in Google cloud, make sure to create a node cluster with the following minimal specs
3 nodes
4 VCPU’s per node
16GB RAM per node
You wil also need the following IAM permissions to be able to execute the commands needed
“Kubernetes Engine Admin” = this is set at the seagen-devops account for your user through IAM
Kubectl createclusterrolebinding “your-name”-cluster-admin-binding –clusterrole=cluster-admin –user=”your-email-or-user”
Install gcloud locally or use a cloud shell in the UI to run the following commands
To connect to the cluster run the following commands:
gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
gcloud config set account seagen-devops
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project seagen-devops
gcloud container clusters get-credentials “cluster-name” –region=”region”
Then we can run kubectl commands on the GKE
kubectl get namespaces
Hook it up to ARC, this will be run locally or on the Azure side:
Az connectedk8s connect –name “your-arc-gke-name” –resource-group “resource-group”
Once the cluster is conected, you can move on to install the data controller and app services extensions with a new location
See file