How-to: Enter Something Here

This heading will show up in the TOC for the read the docs. Make the name short and intuitive. Also add 1 paragraph that explains the purpose of this document.


Provide 1-2 background statements about how the document came to exist and why it is important.


Explain the details of the how to. Start by stating the entry point. For example, if we were writing about “How to start developing using cloud native architecture”, we would state here that the person reading this document would need to start with a subscription in the cloud and a repositiory to put his/her code. This can be done by adding Steps. For instance, ## Initial Steps or ## Initial Actions.


After writing about the steps, write some expectations of the person reading the document. These can include;

  1. Always use a repository for your code

  2. Pull requests are enforced for development, staging, production

  3. Any change you make to a module should be published as an alternate version, etc.


Write a list of assumptions that you have for the person reading the document. For example,

  1. Assume that you have completed the basic Terraform Training Path

  2. Assume that you have another person to review your code before resources are created in the cloud

  3. Assume that you will use Azure over Google for most applications, etc.


In this section write some outcomes from the actions. Since this is a How-to document, the reader needs to understand what they will receive in return for following this document.

For example,

  1. New subscriptions will be created

  2. New or updated resources will be created in Azure with every approved pull request

  3. Identity will be created and accessible to you and your team, etc.


Finally give 1-2 references for each assumption to help them understand and learn.